January 17, 2025


Linux for developers


Why Programmers Use Linux?

Resource Demanding Linux

It is used because it is very flexible and extensively configured and because it is very stable. By the way, it is not only programmers who use Linux. The Android operating system is based on the kernel. So, it can be said that everyone who uses an Android device uses Linux. Linux is very stable and reliable. Not for nothing it is used on high-load servers. If an application hangs up, all you have to do is to kill it and the system remains very stable. Linux does not require a restart of the computer, even after system updates (except for kernel updates [in the future that will not require a restart either]). Installing and uninstalling programs and drivers does not need to be rebooted either. Linux does not “eat” memory. I have noticed many times that if Windows is left unbooted for a week then sooner or later it starts to slow down a lot. Linux ran fine for a month and a half without rebooting. Of course, a lot in this case depends on what programs “eat up” memory, but the fact remains.

Open Source

Imagine you buy a car and you can’t see what’s under the hood? The same is true when you use a system running Windows. However, unlike Windows, Linux is completely open source. You can see the source code for Linux, which is a huge plus. I know that most users don’t pay attention at all to whether the system is open source or proprietary software with closed source, to me open source in Linux is the most important feature when using GNU/Linux.

The availability of Linux source code gives you the ability to use and modify the code as you wish. You can fix bugs or bugs in the system at any time and you can extend its functionality by writing add-ons or programs to run it. Today, Linux is a huge community of programmers who are constantly improving the system. They develop new versions and flavors of the operating system and write all kinds of software that runs on Linux.

At the beginning, Linux was developed free of charge only by enthusiastic volunteers, but with the success of Linux and its mass commercial use, companies began to refine the OS and contribute as well, eventually becoming a significant force. The vast majority of software in today’s distributions is still available under free licenses, usually with the exception of a small number of proprietary components. In 2008 calculations showed that it would cost $10.8 billion to develop a system similar to Fedora 9 from scratch. The total cost of the Linux kernel was estimated at more than 1 billion euros (about $1.4 billion). In 2008 alone, the cost of the Linux kernel increased by 225 million euros. Linux embodies the equivalent of 73 thousand man-years of labor.


There are almost no viruses in Linux. Unlike MS Windows which has many backdoors, the operating system itself is built to keep malware out. And because of this you can do without antivirus programs which slow down your computer and disturb your work. You don’t have to keep checking your hard drive for viruses, wasting valuable time. That’s exactly the way Linux is set up, which makes it a safe operating system. In general, the package management process, repository handling, and many other features allow for more features, giving Linux more security than Windows.

After installing Windows, you need to download/buy virus protection software to keep your computer safe from hackers and malware. However, Linux does not require the use of anti-virus software. Sure, there are software tools such as firewalls to help your system be protected from threats, but for the most part it is not necessary if you only use your computer for work, gaming, watching movies and surfing the web.

Suitable for programmers

Linux supports almost all major programming languages (Python, C / C ++, Java, Perl, Ruby, etc. .). It also offers a wide range of applications used for programming. The Linux terminal is superior to the command line. You can find many libraries developed originally for Linux. In addition, many programmers note that the package manager in Linux, helps them to install most programs easily and easily. You can read here about Windows software’s Linux counterparts. Interestingly, the BASH scripting capability is also one of the most compelling reasons why programmers prefer to use Linux. Linux has built-in SSH support which will help you manage your servers easily.